Tuesday, May 15, 2012

7 Tips On How to Get Rid Of Dry Skin On Face

Use  tips available for cure or maintenance of dry skin.  As for getting rid of dry skin on the face is concerned, simply put  drink a  water to keep you well hydrated.  Then moisturize,  moisturize and moisturise.   You can also use good sun protection to keep your facial skin from drying up in sun.  So coming to the tips.

1.  Consuming lot of (enough) water is your most easy but most efficient solution to maintain the hydration of the skin.  Water will not just hydrate your skin and maintains the skin toen, it can also improve the complexion

2. You need to  use a moisturizer every time after washing your face, especially in the winter months.  a great moisturizer  be an essential part of your daily beauty regime.

3. Washing your face is just as important as moisturizing it, but you've got to remember to're doing it right. Scrubbing too hard can just strip your skin of its natural moisture, even assome cleansers are way too harsh for the winter.

4. Moisturize whilstyour face is still wet. You can lock the moisture in the skin well if you apply the moisturizer when the skin is still wet after washing the skin.

5. The use of protection like sun glasses and hats keeps the moistiriser locked in for for longer peroid of time.

6.  Do not apply makeup immedeatly after moistursing the skin.  Wait for a few minutes to let the moisturize settle down and then you'll apply the foundation.

7. It is also good to use your sun screen when you go out.  coat your face with a cream that contains SPF 15 or higher to keep your face safe

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